Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The smart way to parenting

Perfect parents may not exis but smart parents abound. There is always room for improvement and even more room to better our ways with the latest and smartest on parenting. Busy parents, good parents - we can all take away something from a list of basic principles on better parenting.

Doing what counts
What you do every day with your child, how you treat him or her should be a result of a conscious decision on your part. The consequences are wwhat you reap as a result of your actions.

Be generous with loving
You cannot love your child too much. Too much love is not the reason for a spoilt child but substituting rewards for love or compromising on things that matter can bring about indiscipline.

Participate actively in your child's life
Sacrificing time and energy is expected once a child enters your life irrespective of how busy or how good a reason you have for not being there. And always show a keen interest in whatever your child is doing.

Managing behaviour
You need to establish good behaviour patterns while your child is still young as this would be his code of conduct when he gets older. Parents must always be aware of where their child is, with whom and doing what at all times. And be consistent when establishing rules.

Keep an open line of communication
You need to get down to your child and explain your expectations. Encourage questions, use examples and analogies when explaining - what is obvious to you may not be obvious to him

Respect your child
Every child deserves the same courtesy and respect you would expect for yourself. Speak politely, respect his opinion and show interest in what he says. Children treat others the way their parents treat them.

This is not a scientific formula that has a ready answer to problems. But smart parenting plant the seeds of kindness, honesty, self-reliance and joy that would grow and nurture every child to become good individuals.

Source : Newswise/Temple University

From : Mama to Mama magazine/Malaysia edition/Vol 4/2007


Unknown said...

Well hi the greatest gift,
I'm very excited with your invitation to join and share any info related to parenting world until i've signed up gmail and now i have my gmail account :). Well, i'll browse through and will always check this blog for some new info. Well, if i have any related article, can i post it here?
Anyway, keep it up.

Onesue said...

Hi Mayang,
at last you've your own gmail account. Thank you. well, if you have any sweet and attractive articles, please post it here....at least it will help my blog grows