Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Teaching children to build self-esteem

Self Reliance

Allow space for children to learn responsibility. It is important to introduce them to daily living skills such as cleaning up and self direction. Adults need to practice 'active listening' to help children recognize their feelings and be able to communicate them. The ability to articulate well will help children to say 'No' when they feel unsafe or threatened; to seek help when needed, to be aware of their own rights while respecting others

Self image

Children develop a positive self concept when adults take them seriously. Their questions are answered honestly and completely adn displays of emotion are encouraged. Self-assurance grows when they receive positive reinforcement instead of being reminded of behavious frowned upon. Valuing each child as a unique individual and not in relative terms preserves their self image

Self worth

Encourage children to be considerate of others and their property, to share what they have, to be polite and to take time listen so they would understand better another's worth as they would their own. Use every opportunity you can to help children appreciate differences; help them to take pride in the unique person they are while recognizing and learning from others who are different

Self discipline

Children ought to be aware of their own environment so they can better gauge their needs and desires to develop their own unique personality in a socially responsible context. Help them make choices so they see them as preferences rather than directed by rules. A child's opinions, desires and rights must be respected although it is the adult's responsibility to advise them of the consequences

Self motivation

A suitable learning environment will allow children to develop at their own pace, challenging oneself to do better the next time and make self-motivation an innate quality so that pride in one's accomplishement becomes a goal

Source : http://www.culturemagic.org/PDF/cValuesChildren.pdf


From : Mama to Mama magazine, Malaysia Edition, Vol 4/2007


Unknown said...

Hi onesue...
Sorry for not checking the updates from your blog. I was away for seminar for the whole week this week. Anyway, glad to see new articles on parenting.

Onesue said...

Hi Mayang....
I know from your clerk that you were away for few days, attending seminar. Anyway, feel free to drop a note @ opinion @ articles.

ßry™ said...

this is great! thanks for the info. i certainly agree children are indeed the greatest gift that is why we should take care of them.


Onesue said...

Dear Bry,

Tq for visiting. Hope you will get benefits from my blog. Actually, i'm a young mother with two kids. That's why i am very active searching for info and tips for me to be the best mommy for my kids. And i think it is good to share the info with others