Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My first pregnancy

Well, hi again. Today i'm going to share with all of you a little bit of my experience during my first pregnancy. Well, i knew i was pregnant as early as 6 weeks pregnancy. I was very excited because my husband and i were ready and really expecting to have a baby.
Entering 7 weeks pregancy, my whole life has changed. I started to experience these things: vomitting, couldn't eat at all, not even smelt the food, very bad backache etc. The worse thing was, i was hospitalized few times due to very bad dehydration. And could all of you just imagine that i lost weight of 8 kgs in just 2 weeks after i knew i was pregnant? And i've been experiencing all these until my pregnancy entering 8 months. Only then i gained weight,could eat, could go to work, could socialize as before i was pregnant.
But luckily, my baby girl was delivered safely as a healthy baby at 2.7 kgs.

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